An annular solar eclipse occurred on June 21, 2020. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth
My heart raced when I held “I am Malala” in my hands after waiting for it for more than two weeks. I was still in the middle of reading “The Rape of Nanking” (also a great non-fiction) when the “best non-fiction” of 2015 arrived at my door step. As s
At first, I wasn’t really that thrilled to read Who Moved My Cheese because I am more into fiction than non-fiction. But after I started to read it, it became a page-turner. It is a simple story with a much deeper meaning that could possibly change y
An annular solar eclipse occurred on June 21, 2020. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth
म शङ्खेकिराहरू कसरी हिँड्छन् भनी बुझ्न घण्टौँ त्यसलाई हेरी बस्थेँ । “खुरुखुरु नपढिकन काम न काजका किराफट्याङ्ग्राहरू पो हेरी बस्छ !” भनी मैले गाली खाएँ ।
म माटो मुछ्थेँ , माटाका भाँडाहरू बनाउँथेँ । कत्रो भाँडा बनाउन कति माटो चाहिन्छ भनी म बुझ्न