An annular solar eclipse occurred on June 21, 2020. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth
म शङ्खेकिराहरू कसरी हिँड्छन् भनी बुझ्न घण्टौँ त्यसलाई हेरी बस्थेँ । “खुरुखुरु नपढिकन काम न काजका किराफट्याङ्ग्राहरू पो हेरी बस्छ !” भनी मैले गाली खाएँ ।
म माटो मुछ्थेँ , माटाका भाँडाहरू बनाउँथेँ । कत्रो भाँडा बनाउन कति माटो चाहिन्छ भनी म बुझ्न
A bird watching and an interaction program entitled "Importance of Taudaha for Migratory and Wetland Birds” was organized by Kirtipur Municipality and Bird Conservation Nepal (BCN) at Taudaha, Kirtipur to celebrate World Wetlands Day 2020.
Kirtipur's only school for women, Kirtipur (Housewife) Woman School, proves to be a boon for those who couldn't get an opportunity to study in the time when they were actually supposed to. The prominent reason for this is clear- they were female. Th
An annular solar eclipse occurred on June 21, 2020. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth