Gai Jatra is a festival observed by the people of the Newar community of Nepal, often in the Kathmandu Valley. This Newari festival is celebrated in the month of Bhadra (August – September). The date of Gai Jatra is fixed bya
2nd Chaitra 2075, Kirtipur A group of thirty six temporary ordained buddhist monks known as Vante roam around the premises of Nagaun, Kirtipur for the purpose of begging alms as a monastic way of life on Saturday. The event was organized by Dhammakay
The chariot of Machhendranath (also known as Bunga Dyah/ Avalokitesvara/ Karunamaya) circumambulated the symbolic Maa Simhaa-mother tree two times in Lagankhel on Wednesday, 1st Jestha 2076. The total of three circumambulations is performed around Mo
Every year in Chaitra Sukla Astami (this year, the date falls in 30th Chaitra 2075), there is an annual prayer festival of Nakhu Khwaa Siu Wanegu Holy Washing at Nakhu river participated by thousands of devotees. It is holy celebration in the memory
Every year, in the eve of “Gunlaa Juga Charya-the fourth day of the lunar calendar” around Swayambhu premises during night, there is mystical image of Swayambhu(Sanskrit meaning self arisen) Stupa in sky. We do not know since when this belief get roo